Interventional pain techniques

Locations that offer Interventional Management:

Interventional pain management is a powerful strategy for reducing the severity and impact of persistent pain. Interventional techniques can be used independently, or in conjunction with medication and psychological treatments as part of a comprehensive pain management plan.

Interventional procedures treat pain directly at its source, either by reducing the ability of a nerve to transmit pain signals, or by interrupting the transmission of pain signals to the brain. They can be particularly effective at treating facial, back or neck pain, headaches and muscle or bone pain. Procedures include:

  • Pain-relieving injections of steroids or opioids (also known as ‘nerve blocks’) into or near an inflamed joint or nerve. These are usually administered in a course of two or three injections at intervals of up to a few months.
  • Radiofrequency rhizotomy or ablation. This technique uses a heated needle-tip electrode to switch off the pain transmitters in the damaged nerve. It can offer relief of pain symptoms for 6 – 12 months.

Depending on the nature and cause of your pain we may recommend that you participate in physiotherapy during the period of pain relief offered by these procedures.

Interventional pain management involves the use of minimally invasive techniques. Our specialists will conduct a thorough assessment of your symptoms, history and diagnosis before making a recommendation.